PE for Parents

Get fit via strength training without spending hours in the gym

Be the strong parent that lifts the weights AND the kids.

Is this you?

  • Feeling like you should workout, but have no idea where to start

  • Never really loved “exercise”?  Perhaps you’ll discover that you love getting strong with movements like split squats and presses

  • Haven’t really stuck with a routine before…maybe you’ve jumped around with online workouts and haven’t had a real plan

  • Don’t have hours to spend in the gym, because kids and life and work

  • You worry about the way your body looks, and it sometimes stops you from swimming with your kids

Imagine if you could…

  • Enjoy a new-found love of exercise (that doesn’t feel punishing)

  • Learn how to strength train, even if you’ve never lifted a dumbbell before

  • Commit to an exercise routine, especially one that is done-for-you

  • Get a great workout in less than an hour, even without a full gym set up

  • Increase your body confidence while adding strength and muscle

PE for Parents is perfect for busy parents who may be beginners to exercise, former athletes, or ready to add some strength training into their exercise routine. This can be done alone or together with your partner.

I’m Katie, Certified Functional Strength Coach + Certified Pre-& Postnatal Coach.

If you’re like me, you want to get the biggest bang for your buck when it comes to exercise.  As a mom of 2 babes, I don’t have hours to spend in the gym.

You want an exercise program you can trust. You want a workout you can just open, follow, and be done.  You’re busy AF, and you don’t have the time or energy to be figuring out what to do for each workout.  That last thing you need is to waste your time in the gym (or your living room) doing ineffective circus workouts. I GET YOU. And I’m here to help you.

PE for Parents

Open the workout, complete the warm up, watch the demo videos, lift, and be that strong parent.

  • Quick + effective warmup that will get you ready to go

  • Demo videos for each movement, with options for scaling and progression 

  • List of required equipment and possible substitutions

  • A weekly program sent straight to your inbox that allows for progressive overload (aka change)–you will be doing similar exercises for each cycle, adding either weight, volume, tempo, or speed.

  • 3 strength-based workouts each week.

  • Access to me + community for questions and sharing videos

In PE for Parents, you can…

  • Add muscle tone

  • Get stronger

  • Feel confident with your exercise routine

  • Keep up with your kids

  • Stay consistent with done-for-you programming

 What other parents are saying about

PE for Parents:

“Before PE for Parents, I felt like I was lacking in motivation to work on me. I needed motivation to move and be healthy for myself and my family… My favorite part of the program is the flexibility to do it on my busy schedule. If I have time in the evening, I am able to sneak in a workout. I learned that you can start at any point in your life. Having kids I often forget about me, and I realized that taking time out to focus on myself helped me focus on my family better. Oh, and adding this exercise routine I am able to also focus on the fuel I put in my body.”

—Meredith, parent of 3

Be the superhero your kids already know you are.

Easy-to-follow, effective programming, for about 3 bucks a workout.

Get fit via strength-training, without spending hours in the gym.

Let’s do this.

Join the waitlist to be notified for the next round


Will I need access to a gym to do these workouts?

No, the workouts can be done in the gym OR your home. The point of this program is to make workouts accessible to busy parents–this can be done together in your living room, outside on your patio, in your home gym, or a traditional gym setting.

What equipment will I need?

You will need at least a resistance band, but dumbbells are preferred. You can substitute items around your house for dumbbells, but you will need a resistance band.

What if I can’t do all the workouts? Will this still be a good program?

You will see the best results doing all 3 workouts each week, but you can still get good benefits from doing at least 2 a week.

I’ve never done strength-training before–is this for me?

Beginners welcome! Each workout will include demo videos, and you can ask any questions or submit form videos in our FB group for feedback.

How are the workouts structured?

Each strength cycle is 4-6 weeks, and includes a warm up for each workout. There are 3 workouts each week (sent via email each week).  Each workout will have 5-6 movements: some supersets (2 exercises back-to-back) and some done by themselves.

What if I don’t like it?

No problem! You can cancel anytime.