3 ways to save money (and time!) at the grocery store

3 ways to save money (and time!) at the grocery store

3 ways to save money (and time!) at the grocery store

(check out the video here)

Who else misses casual trips to the store?

Today I share 3 ways to save money and time at the grocery store. (Save this video for your next trip!)
1. Get bulk-y.
Don’t be afraid to shop the bulk sections in your store. You can usually find grains, nuts, and flours for less than the prepackaged kind. I also encourage you to buy your spices in the bulk section as well (if your store has ‘em). Spices will be WAYYYY cheaper in the bulk section vs buying prepackaged.

2. Shop seasonal!
Seasonal produce will not only be cheaper, but also give you the most nutritional bang for you buck! Some spring seasonal produce: apples, asparagus, blueberries, strawberries, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, and citrus.

3. Buy tougher cuts of meat.
Tougher cuts, like pork shoulder/butt, chicken thighs, and chuck roasts will often be cheaper by the pound, and can be stretched to make more meals than the standard chicken breast, pork chop, or steak. Bonus: most of these cuts can easily be thrown into a crock pot for easy cooking! You can use leftovers for other meals, or freeze for later!

Share your tips for saving money (and time!) at the grocery store in the comments!


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